Informative • 05.01.2018
Edition 5 • Year 2018

By means of Normative Instruction RFB n. 1,767 / 2017, the date of transmission to SPED of the Digital Tax Withholding and Other Tax Information (EFD-Reinf) was changed, which is changed until the 15th ) of the month subsequent to the generating facts.

The initial deadline for the implementation of this new requirement was also modified, and the following dates for initial adoption of EFD-Reinf were defined:

a) 1st / 5/2018 - business entities of the IN Table RFB nº 1.634 / 2016, with billing in the year 2016 above R $ 78,000,000.00;

b) 1st / 11/2018 - other employers and taxpayers not included in item "a", except public entities; and

c) 1º / 5/2019 - public entities.

*Free translation from Google Translate.

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