[Free translation]
By means of Decree No. 53.644 / 17, published on 07/18/2017, in the Official Gazette of the State, it extended indefinitely some tax benefits.
Please find below the most relevant benefits:
a) Reduction to 38.888% of the ICMS tax base (effective tax burden of 7%), in the internal exits (SR) of the textile industry, provided that the goods are in their own manufacture and destined for industrialization or commercialization by the recipient ( provided for in item LXIV, of article 23, of Book I, of RICMS / RS);
b) Concession of presumed credit of 8% on the value of interstate departures, granted to manufacturing establishments, resulting from sales of the textile industry (provided in item CXXXV, article 32, Book I, RICMS / RS);
c) Concession of presumed 8.5% credit on the value of ICMS due on the interstate sales of the footwear sector (provided in item CXLI, article 32, Book I, of RICMS / RS).
If there are changes to the benefits mentioned above, new information will be sent with such information.