Informative • 21.09.2015
Edition 5 • Year 2015

Taxpayers have until April 1 to join the new version of the Electronic Invoice (NF-e). After that date will only be recepcionada version 3.10

The XML version 3.10 brings several changes in the NF-e project. These changes occur mainly in the validation rules and the layout of the NF-e.

Examples of changes introduced:

a) identification of the type of operation (internal in the UF interstate or operation outside) from a new field;

b) sale of identification to the end consumer through the NF-e;

c) sale face identification, the Internet or other means of assistance;

d) Expansion of information on transactions with deferred ICMS (full or partial), by including new information:

• ICMS amount due in operation (total amount due as if no deferral);

• ICMS BC value;

• Deferral Percentage (which may be 100%);

• Deferred ICMS value;

• charged ICMS value (actual amount due);

• ICMS tax rate.

From this change, even in fully deferred operations, DANFE (Auxiliary Document of the Electronic Invoice) will indicate the ICMS CALCULATION BASE field the total value of the transaction.


Alfredo D. Petry

Lauffer Advocacy and Advice

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