Informative • 22.11.2017
Edition 57 • Year 2017

[Free translation]

The Declaration of Settlement with Specified Currency (DME) was instituted to inform the RFB on a monthly basis of transactions settled in kind related to the sale of merchandise or goods, rendering of services, rent, donations, or other transactions that involve disposition or assignment onerous or free of assets and rights.

Individuals or legal entities resident or domiciled in Brazil (except institutions authorized to operate by the BCB) who receive (in whole or in part) in kind, the said transactions with a single natural or legal person whose sum in the month is equal to or greater than R $ 30,000.00 (thirty thousand reais).

The DME must be sent to RFB by the last working day of the month following the month of receipt of the cash value, upon access to the "DME presentation" service, available on e-CAC.

The DME will contain information regarding the identification of the individual or legal entity that made the payment (CPF, CNPJ or NIF from abroad); and the description of the asset or right object of the disposal or assignment or the service or operation that generated the receipt in kind; and also the value and date of the operation.

In case of non-presentation of the DME, or its presentation outside the established deadline, or with inaccuracies or omissions subject to the application of monetary fines. It is warned that in cases where there are indications of the occurrence of the crimes foreseen in Law 9,613 / 98, the communication will be made to the Federal Public Ministry.

This new obligation was established by Normative Instruction RFB No. 1761 (DOU of 11/21/2017), which came into effect on the date of its publication, taking effect as of January 1, 2018.

Colaborou com esta edição Adriano I. de Almeida

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