Informative • 14.09.2017
Edition 48 • Year 2017

[Free translation]

From October 2, 2017, will be available for use of the companies new layout of the NF-e, version "4.00", which will replace in its entirety the version "3.10", currently used.

However, the "3.10" (current) version of the NF-e may be used by the companies until April 2, 2018, when its use will be deactivated by the authorization SEFAZ.

This new version, established through Technical Note 2016/002, includes new fields and controls, aimed at improving the quality of information provided by companies.

Among the main novelties brought by the new layout, we highlight the following:

Inclusion of option 2 = Nota Fiscal model 2, in the "refNF" field of the Group information of referenced fiscal documents;
In the field "IndPres" Indicator of the NF-e Identification Group, option 5 was included - face-to-face operation, outside the establishment, used in the case of street vending;
Creation of a new "Product Traceability" group to allow indication of batch number information, manufacturing / production date;
Inclusion of field to inform the ANVISA Code in the specific group of medicines;
Inclusion of fields in the Fuel Group to be informed of the mixing percentages of LPG and the description of the ANP code;
Creation of FCP (Combating Poverty Fund) fields to identify the value as a result of the percentage of ICMS related to the FCP in the internal or interstate operations with ICMS tax substitution, not served by the fields created in the ICMS Tax Group for the UF of destination;
Added the option of informing the Transfer Group of ICMS ST in the operations with fuels when informed CST ICMS 60 (ICMS previously charged for tax substitution);
Inclusion of field in the Total Group of NF-e to inform the total value of IPI in the case of return of merchandise by a non-taxable establishment;
Changed the Transportation Information Group of the NF-e with the creation of new freight modalities;
Changed the name of the Group "Forms of Payment" to "Payment Information" with the inclusion of the field Value of Change.
In this new version there will be no change in the layout of the DANFE fields. The changes reach only the XML of the NF-e.

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