Informative • 20.01.2017
Edition 7 • Year 2017

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From January 1, 2017, the "Declaration of non-occurrence" to the Financial Activities Control Council (Coaf) may be made directly in the system developed by the Department of Informatics (DEINF) of the Federal Accounting Council (CFC). As provided in CFC Resolution No. 1,445 / 2013, professionals and accounting organizations that provide, even if necessary, advisory, consulting, accounting, auditing, advisory or assistance services of any nature, must report to Coaf that no money laundering or terrorist financing.

To assist professionals, the Federal Accounting Council has developed a manual and a booklet with detailed guidance on the new system. Through the address on the internet, you can access the manual and the booklet.

The address of the system for completing the "declaration of non-occurrence" of events suspected of money laundering or financing of terrorism to Coaf is

From the initial information, which clarifies how access should be made, by means of a provisional password to be sent by the Regional Accounting Council (CRC), the manual explains the steps required to complete the declaration,

Source: CFC - Federal Accounting Council

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