Informative • 08.02.2018
Edition 11 • Year 2018

[Free translation]

As determined by the monthly ICMS GIA Manual, in January 2018, the initial inventory (which corresponds to the amount recorded in the balance sheet as of 12/31/2017) must be presented by the taxpayers through the information provided in Table E of the monthly GIA, goods, ready-made and ready-to-use products, raw materials, secondary materials and packaging, existing in the period, in the establishment or in the possession of third parties.

However, due to the new GIA completion rule, which is currently through the importation of the EFD ICMS / IPI file, the taxpayer must ensure that the GIA system feeds the information January 2018 EFD ICMS / IPI reference, which will be delivered in February / 2018, the records of BLOCK H (inventory).

We also point out that for the correct completion of the fields of Table E of the GIA, the State Treasury requires that the H020 (Supplementary Information of the Inventory) is used.

Finally, since the presentation of Block H in the EFD ICMS / IPI, with inventory information to be presented by the second month after the balance sheet is collected, taxpayers should repeat the inventory bookkeeping (block H completion) in the EFD bookkeeping ICMS / IPI for February, which will be delivered in March / 2018.

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