Informative • 03.06.2018
Edition 22 • Year 2018

[free translation]

The Federal Government, through Decree No. 9,393 / 18, again reduced the incentive of REINTEGRA (Special Regime for the Reintegration of Tax Values ??for Exporting Companies).

The incentive that is calculated on the income received from the export of goods abroad, currently calculated by the percentage of 2% (two percent), is reduced to 0.1% (one tenth percent) from June 2018.

Contrary to previous periods (Decrees 8,415 / 15 and 8,543 / 15), there is no expectation of a return of the REINTEGRA rate to higher percentages in the coming periods.

Colaborou com esta edição Davi Lauffer
Advocacia e Assessoria

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